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Speeding up the curing procedure of concrete can improve construction efficiency and help save some valuable time in a dead-line driven project. Several measures like concreting in warm weather conditions, introducing calcium chloride to wet concrete mixture, covering concrete with plastic canvas, etc. can help increase the charge per unit of the concrete curing process.

These considerations tin increase hydration of cement and hence cut down the curing time. Nonetheless, one should be aware of the possible detrimental effects of these measures on concrete backdrop, which may endanger the structure's prophylactic. Curing of concrete is a process by which concrete is protected against loss of moisture required for hydration and kept within the recommended temperature range.

How to Speed up the Curing Process of Concrete?

  1. Concreting in a warm surroundings can increase the speed of the curing process. Sunny conditions is desirable because high temperature encourages the curing of concrete.
  2. Use relatively warm water in the concrete mix to induce reactions. Warm water increases the speed of chemical reactions in concrete. However, one should be enlightened that overly hot h2o tin have a damaging effect on concrete.
  3. Alloy calcium chloride with wet concrete mix earlier placement to increase the speed of cement hydration.
  4. Use water-reducing admixture to reduce the due west/c ratio without compromising the workability and force of concrete. The use of a high quantity of h2o in the concrete mix tin delay the setting of physical, increasing the time needed for concrete to gain adequate strength.
  5. Cover recently poured physical with a plastic sheet to keep the moisture intact within the physical. This accelerates the curing procedure.
Concreting in Hot Weather
Effigy-i: Concreting in Hot Weather
Calcium Chloride
Figure-two: Calcium Chloride
Cover Concrete with Plastic Sheet
Effigy-3: Covering Concrete with Plastic Sheet


What is physical curing?

Curing of physical is a procedure past which physical is protected against loss of moisture required for hydration and kept within the recommended temperature range.

Why is it important to speed up the curing process of concrete?

Speeding up the curing procedure of concrete tin can improve structure efficiency and help save some valuable time in a dead-line driven project.

What are some methods that can speed upwards curing process of concrete?

1. Begin concreting in a hot environment or hot atmospheric condition.
2. Add together calcium chloride to concrete.
3. Cover concrete with plastic sheets.
4. Add water-reducing admixture to the concrete mix.
5. Add together warm water to the physical mix.

Why is recently poured concrete covered with plastic canvass?

The plastic sail would keep the moisture intact within the physical and hence encourage and advance the curing procedure.

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